Transition Ottawa
Ottawa Urban Wild Tours is a volunteer-run Transition Ottawa initiative whose primary mandate is to educate the general public about the presence of the natural world in the urban environment. We aim to have these events accessible; the tours are free and the tours sites can be reached by public transportation, by foot or by bike. We team up with other volunteers who are biologists, naturalists and nature lovers in our community to share their knowledge with others in the city.
We are ever grateful to our team of volunteers - our amazing tour guides, our loyal posterers (Guy, Andrew and Judi) as well as our enthusiastic poster designer (Marie Primeau-Maurice). These tours would simply not be possible without our volunteers.
Other Supporting Organizations
Many of our guides are part of noteworthy organizations whose work is in nature conservation or restoration, nature tours or sustainable living. Many of these organizations have events or iniatives that you can get involved in.
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club
Macoun Marsh Biodiversity Project
Biodiversity Matters
Canada Nutist